...one tiny speck...


And next... Batman in pumps

I’ve been frequenting the Glendale Public Library of late and have been overwhelmingly pleased with the selection they offer, particularly in regards to the graphic novel collection. They have a bunch of the Marvel’s Essentials, Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing, Jeff Smith’s Bone, etc. etc. All kinds of good stuff.
The one thing that irks me though, is that someone has decided certain elements in these books are best left unseen. Someone has meticulously gone through each and every book to magic marker out all of the particularly provocative curves. Mostly it’s the ladies. Busts are covered, crotches are covered. Whoever did it generally took the time to make their markings look like tank tops and miniskirts, which is the kind of thoughtful censorship that I like.
It doesn’t stop with the ladies though. The curve of the man-crotch has been deemed unacceptable too. Superman looks kind of funny in a tight black miniskirt. It’s good to know that while suggestive curves and lumps are improper, cross-dressing is A-OK.


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